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Profil von linuxos

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Profil melden
ist bei der Arbeit | seit 13 Jahre 

Geschlecht: Mann
Interessiert an: Frauen
Status: Single
Ich will:
mich mit Leuten für Hobbies oder Interessen verbinden
Geburtsdatum: 26. Juni 1978
Stadt: Denizli, Denizli
Mitglied seit: 03 / 2012
Tätigkeit: Freiberufler
Hobbys und Interessen:
Freizeit: FreelanceGrafikTasarım

Geschlecht: Mann
Interessiert an: Frauen
Status: Single
Stadt: Denizli, Denizli

Kommentare (1)

Hello my dear friend My name is Leonita Adams and i got your contact details today here in this site as i was browsing and i pick interest in knowing you & being friendly with you.I would appreciate if we get acquainted as soon as possible,You can reach me through my private E-mail started below for a better communication (leonita4adams@hotmail.com)) I quite believe that we can start from here since it takes one to know someone.I want you to understand that nature has it's own way of bringing people together for a particular purpose,I look forward to hearing more from you soonest Yours truly Leonita (leonita4adams@hotmail.com)

12.11.2012 um 19:00
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linuxos's Komplimente









