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Alt 21.06.2015, 16:16
Benutzerbild von Tur1
Tur1 Tur1 ist offline
Registriert seit: 06.07.2014
Beiträge: 84

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genau das ist geplant.

säuberung der türkischstämmigen und syrischen bevölkerung um einen neuen unabhängigen staat zu gründen.
Thousand of Arabs flee from Kurdish fighters in Syria's north

Thousands of Sunni Arab civilians in northern Syria are reportedly fleeing their homes[​IMG] to avoid attacks by Kurdish fighters in what is described as an apparent ethnic cleansing campaign.

A report in The Times newspaper[​IMG] on Monday said that Kurdish fighters have been "burning Arab villages" in areas they control around Kobane as part of a campaign against local Arabs.

The article alleges that members of the Kurdish People's Protection[​IMG] Units (YPG), a close ally of the West in the fight against Isis, are carrying out the attacks.

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